- Added:Jul 6, 2020
Great success for virtual event of Triton’s Training day
On July 1, 2020, the TRITON’s Training day took place for addressing coastal erosion, organized online, by the Region of Western Greece followed by the Information Day for the Implementation of Public Participation Geographic Information System (PPGIS), organized by the Network of European Cities for Sustainable development «EfxiniPoli». The President of the Western Greece Regional Council, Mr. Takis Papadopoulos, welcomed the participants and, in his greeting, he emphasized the great importance that the Region of Western Greece gives to the protection of coastal areas coupled with their sustainable development. Both virtual events were of great interest to executives of Local Governments, scientists, active citizens, and the political staff of the local communities: more than 150 people watched these two events online. Participants were successfully trained in the use of satellite and geotechnical data for the construction of infrastructure projects in the coastal zone of the Gulf of Patras, as well as in the use and management of the online software «Meteoview2» which can be used for the processing of the data that are collected by the equipment installed under TRITON’s framework. During the Information Day for the Application of Public Participation Geographic Information System (PPGIS) for the use of satellite imagery to assess coastal erosion has been presented as well as the use of the online Geographic Information System that has been implemented in the coastal zone of the Municipality of Messolonghi. The video from the events, which took place in the Greek language, is posted on the youtube channel of the Region of Western Greece. The two events have been held in the framework of the Triton project, managed by Apulia Region (lead partner), Region of Western Greece, University of Patras, Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC), and European Group of Territorial Cooperation Efxini Poli.